Monday, December 23, 2019

Internet Privacy Government Should Not Regulate...

Internet Privacy: Government Should Not Regulate Encryption or Cryptography Privacy rights have been an important issue through out time, and it has been increasing in importance as we have moved into the electronic/information age. Keeping that privacy had become a growing concern for many businesses and consumers. With all the information being sent across the web, people are very concerned about their personal information falling into the wrong hands. One way to help protect your privacy on the net is by using an encryption program. Even though they are not completely unbreakable, an encryption program is one of the best ways to protect against outside intrusions. Despite this fact, the government wants too place legislation on†¦show more content†¦Citizens, against illegal search and seizure. (Some even believe that it goes against our First Amendment rights, as in the case of Bernstein v. Dept Justice. In this case, U.S. District Court Judge Marilyn Patel ruled that the rights of academic cryptographer, Daniel Bernstein, were violated by the ex port controls on encryption. Patel ruled that computer source code is a form of speech protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (EFF Press Release...) This was an important step in the fight against government regulation on encryption.) By allowing the government free access to encryption keys, we are practically giving the government permission to freely snoop in our personal lives. Therefore, by forcing encryption system users to give them their decryption keys, the government is pretty much forcing people to give up their right to privacy on the internet. It is illegal to search a house or even a car without sufficient cause and I feel that the your electronic communications, which include: e-mail, FAX messages, fund transfers, trade secrets, and health records, should be dealt with in the same way. The government states that these encryption keys are necessary to survey possible criminal or terrorist activities. It claims that without access to the keys of all encrypted messages, its ability to fight crime and prevent terrorism will be devastated. (ACLU White Paper) Yet, 83 percent of all government surveillance in theShow MoreRelated Government Intervention On The Internet Essay1398 Words   |  6 Pages Government Intervention on the Internet nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During the last decade, our society has become based on the sole ability to move large amounts of information across great distances quickly. Computerization has influenced everyones life in numerous ways. The natural evolution of computer technology and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. 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